

The active and highly professional work of the departments contributes to the successful activity of Nike school.

The department of Georgian Language and Literature

The department of Sciences

The department of Social Sciences

Foreign language department

The department of Mathematics - IT

The department of Sports and Aesthetic Education

The department of primary grades

The functions of the departments

To coordinate the teaching of the subject/subjects of the subject group;

Sharing experience among the members of the department, determining the prerequisites for success and searching for ways to solve problems;

Selection of educational resources for the teaching process, professional development of teachers and school library and presentation to the pedagogical council;

Development of recommendations regarding the introduction of modern teaching methods and approaches;


Drawing club

Circle of Georgian folk dances

Chess club

Singing club

Handicraft club

Literary Salon ``Flowers of Parnassus``

Beginning writers club

Theater troupe

Football club ``Nike FC”

Film lovers club